One of the most common and immediately recognizable instances is this. When viewed from different perspectives, a person’s hair can reliably function as an age indicator.
The hair color gives away this information. Most people’s hair becomes white or silver as they get older. Hair loss on the scalp is a normal part of becoming older.
The face
It’s not hard to tell the difference between an adult and a child’s face. You’ll probably become more adorable as you age. Wrinkles in the skin on one’s face are an undeniable indicator of advancing age.
The hands.
Since the hand is one of the most noticeable features of a person’s body, it can be used as a good indicator of their age. A young person’s hands will be rougher than an old person’s, and vice versa as they age.
Pair of eyelids
It’s easy to discern who is younger or older based on the appearance of their eyelids. Sagging eyelids are a common sign of aging. Because their eyelids are still developing, it appears that children and teenagers do not have this problem.
The collar of the shirt
A person’s age can be roughly determined by observing the degree to which their neck is curved. A youthful person’s neck will never develop wrinkles because of their age. As we get older, our necks start to droop like a turkey’s.