10 Omega-3-Rich Foods With Longevity Benefits
Assortment of healthy vegetarian food When I interview health and nutrition specialists, I like to ask what supplements they take regularly. The answer they give me every time? An Omega-3 supplement. Known as the “good” polyunsaturated fats, Omega-3 fatty acids…
Goodbye to high blood pressure: the fruit that regulates your arterial and liver health
It is an unknown but very beneficial fruit In the search for natural remedies to combat high blood pressure and improve overall health, noni has caught the attention of scientists and health experts. This tropical fruit, native to regions of…
Five Early Warning Signs Of An Enlarged Prostate That Every Man Need To Know
It is critical to distinguish between the symptoms of prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), both of which can have a major negative influence on a person’s quality of life. The modest variances in how these illnesses present themselves…
What Happens When Men Eat Groundnuts?
Regarding snacking, groundnuts (also known as peanuts) often get overlooked in favor of flashier options like almonds or pistachios. But these little nuts pack a powerful punch, especially for men. From boosting energy to enhancing mental health, groundnuts aren’t just…
Health Benefits Of Eating Tomatoes And Onions
Health benefits of eating tomatoes and onions together: Onions improve the taste of tomatoes Antioxidants, which are abundant in onions, can shield your cells from oxidative damage and inflammation. They also include sulfur compounds, which can decrease cholesterol and blood…
Over 500 migratory birds fall prey to avian botulism at Sambhar Lake
Jaipur, Nov 8 (PTI) More than 500 migratory birds have died due to avian botulism, a disease caused by a bacteria that affects nerves, at the Sambhar Lake in Jaipur district since October 26, an official said on Friday. Avian botulism…
Green Cucumber Keeps Away From These Diseases
Many medications, including antihypertensives, antidepressants, antihistamines, and certain diuretics, can cause dry mouth as a side effect. Dehydration: Inadequate fluid intake or conditions that cause dehydration can contribute to dry mouth. Medical Conditions: Conditions such as diabetes, Sjögren’s syndrome, HIV/AIDS,…
Como preparar feijão para não dar gases?
A formação de gases após o consumo do feijão está principalmente relacionada à presença de oligossacarídeos, como rafinose e estaquiose, que são carboidratos complexos que não são digeridos por completo no intestino delgado, devido à ausência da enzima não digeríveis…
Quais os melhores alimentos para quem tem gastrite?
Por Camila Backes Muitas pessoas enfrentam dúvidas sobre o que comer ao tratar a gastrite. É exatamente por isso que entender os alimentos que podem auxiliar no alívio dos sintomas e na promoção da cura se torna essencial. Afinal, a…
Proibido! Anvisa suspendeu fórmula de Leite em Pó
Anvisa Interdita Lotes da Fórmula Nutramigen por Risco Bacteriano Leite em pó (Créditos: depositphotos.com / PicsFive) A Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa) recentemente impôs a proibição da importação, venda e distribuição de diversos lotes da fórmula infantil Nutramigen LGG….